Editor's note: Today is Jerry Lee Lewis's birthday. Jerry Lee by George Fish Lewis The Killer signature rock ‘n’ roll piano Great Balls of Fire! There always was A Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On when you rocked the piano and sang your inimitable, raucous way and those live shows! your long hair tumbling down your face climbing atop the piano bench and the piano itself playing the piano with your feet! It was an open secret you incinerated the piano and the rock whenever you came on stage and that’s no High School Confidential! you scorched-earth your career when you married your 13-year-old cousin languished in rock ’n’ roll wasteland after that but you always had your diehard fans, no matter what then you went country and middle aged, sang about Middle-Aged Crazy while not becoming middle-aged crazy, just being the same Jerry Lee as ever! And yes, What Made Milw
Flying Island is the Online Literary Journal of the Indiana Writers Center, accepting submissions from Midwest residents and those with significant ties to the Midwest.