Bible Study by Tracy Mishkin Genesis begins with light, ends with a coffin in Egypt. Then another coffin floats on the Nile, an ark for a tiny, wailing refugee who will build another ark, a tent of meeting in the wilderness. As an old man, he will squint at the Promised Land from an eroded mountain, his sister and brother buried somewhere behind him. No one will mention his children. If he were granted a gravestone, it would say he argued with his god. The one who sends floods that rip coffins from the earth, bobbing past this ark in which we huddle together. Bio: Tracy Mishkin is a call center veteran with a PhD and an MFA student in Creative Writing at Butler University. Her chapbook, I Almost Didn't Make It to McDonald's, was published by Finishing Line Press in 2014. Her second chapbook, The Night I Quit Flossing, is forthcoming from Five Oaks Press. She has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
Flying Island is the Online Literary Journal of the Indiana Writers Center, accepting submissions from Midwest residents and those with significant ties to the Midwest.