A trilogy by Kate Duffy Sim Tiger and Monkey in Love We loved before time, danced in the crystalline black Of limitless space, Shot upward in arcs, twined in a happy helix, Merged, melted, and fell. I broke away, spread into a web of pink pearls, Caught you as you dropped. You shattered my strand, pearls plummeting toward the void. You caught them, caught me, Tossed me toward the Light. I scattered among the stars. you visited each, And we danced and laughed, star to star, pearl by pearl, Until it was time And we were called down to this lonely blue opal, This lonely planet, Forgot who we were as we donned our cloaks of clay And went separate ways. But time after time I knew I was missing you. Somehow I just knew. You must have known too when we collided that day In our cloaks of clay. You asked me to dance. You reached out, your cloak fell back, And your light shone through. I knew it was you, and you knew it was me, too. And we danced and lau
Flying Island is the Online Literary Journal of the Indiana Writers Center, accepting submissions from Midwest residents and those with significant ties to the Midwest.